Monday, September 26, 2011


Another guy blogging about movies? A few seconds ago, google listed 50,100,000 hits under "movie review blog," so it's not like there is a need.

Mostly, this exists because my regular blog, the pretentiously-titled Mojourner Truth, has grown unwieldy, the too numerous
posts landing on every shiny subject of momentary fascination, like a young drunken crow. Nature, backroads, urban foraging, politics, little c culture, and now and then a movie. (As it happens, a review of the original Planet of the Apes is currently the most read posts ever over there.) So I'm spinning off some types of posts, like the movie reviews.

Procrastacriticism is of no help to someone headed to the theater, because the victims of these reviews are old. Neither are they erudite, informed by cinematic history, or even basic film literacy. Basically, the whole genre took form in my mind as I turned out post after post devoted to mockery of Charlton Heston. Then one on Rocky Balboa. And soon, here on this new venue, Steve McGarrett.

The joy of procrastacriticism is that there are no deadlines. The flicks are decades old, and the reviews are not keyed in to re-releases, sequels, anniversaries, or any of the other milestones concocted by the industry. I don't sell ad space, and have no ambition to make it in the entertainment industry, the art of film, or as one of the sycophantic, snarly, or downright bitter writers who hover around both endeavors.

I'm gonna re-post some of the old reviews here for a sample. At some point, I'll do some new ones. But don't hold your breath.

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